How To Order - Practitioners


As a registered practitioner, you will have an account on our Practitioner Portal to place orders, track progress and securely download reports. If not registered, you can do so here (healthcare professionals only).

  1. Place your order on the Practitioner Portal. One Lifecode DNA Test is required for each new order and can be used for as many reports as required (each report looks at a specific health area). You can pay and invoice the client or select the ‘Client Pays’ option, in which case we will send the client a payment link. The DNA test kit will be posted on receipt of payment.

  2. The DNA test is a simple, non-invasive mouth swab that is easy to do at home. The only requirement is to abstain from eating/drinking for at least 1 hour before testing. Rub the swab against the inside of both cheeks for one minute. Place the stabilising capsule in the tube with the sample. See our how to do the test article.

  3. Return with the signed consent form in the prepaid envelope (UK). We cannot process an order without a signed consent form. There are no special storage or transport requirements and you can return any day. For international orders, the client is responsible for arranging and paying for return.

  4. Results are ready about 2 weeks after sample receipt. You can check order progress anytime via the practitioner portal. We’ll email you when the report is ready. If you need support, you can book a free 30 minute call to discuss the results. 

  5. Want to add reports later? You can add extra reports up to 6 months from the date of the original test (when we can use the same sample). After that, a new test will be required. 

    For more information, read our How To Order - Practitioners article and you can download our About Lifecode Gx for Practitioners brochure.